Perfect Pot Pasta

Perfect Pot Pasta (w/shrimp)

This recipe for my Perfect Pot Pasta has been a winner with my friends  and family for a long time.  Of course, depending on the dinner guests, the cannabis products can be substituted for traditional ingredients, but I believe the added flavor of the cannabis makes this dish even better. This recipe is for a wonderful, spicy pasta dish that makes an excellent side to accompany your chicken or seafood or, if you are a vegetarian, it even makes a delicious main course.


  • 2 cups of pasta (spaghetti or rotini worked the best for me)
  • 1 ½ cup cannabis milk
  • ½ of a green pepper, diced (you can substitute with red or yellow peppers)
  • ½ of an onion, chopped
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic, diced
  • 3 tablespoons cannabutter
  • unbleached flour (approximately 4 tablespoons)
  • ½ teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • parsley, chopped
  • Parmesan cheese, grated


  1. Cook the pasta according to the directions, drain it, then cover it and set it to the side.
  2. Using 1 tbsp cannabutter, sauté the vegetables in a sauce pan until the onion is transparent.
  3. Remove the vegetables from the sauce pan and place them in with the cooked pasta. Do not pour the sautéed vegetables into the pasta because you want to keep the melted butter and juices from the vegetables in the sauce pan.
  4. Reduce the heat on the sauce pan and melt the remaining cannabutter completely. Add enough flour to to the melted cannabutter to produce a thick paste.  (be careful with the heat.  burnt butter is nasty!)
  5. Add the Cannabis milk and the mustard then whisk until everything is blended evenly. Increase the heat slightly and continue to stir the sauce in order to prevent the milk or butter from burning.
  6. When the sauce has reached the desired consistency, add the pasta and vegetables to the sauce pan.  Heat the dish together for another minute over low heat.
  7. Plate the pasta and finish with a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley and grated Parmesan cheese.

If your diners are not vegetarians and you want to make this a simple, one-dish meal, I have a couple of suggestions.  To serve this dish with chicken, cut some boneless chicken breasts into thin strips and cook them separately while sauteing the vegetables.  Once the chicken is cooked, add it to the pot with the pasta and the vegetables.  To serve this dish with shrimp, which happens to be my favorite version, the process is the same as with the chicken, only I use a bit more cannabutter and another diced clove of garlic to pan fry the shrimp until they are a nice bright pink color.


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