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Author: Good And Baked
Alternate Cannabutter Recipe
This recipe was provided by one of our many helpful readers. If you’d like to contribute to Good & Baked, please do so by visiting the following link and contacting us by email: Submit a Recipe
Peanut Butter Blasted Brownies
Preheat oven to 350F. Break up the chocolate and put in a heat proof bowl with the butter. Set the bowl over a saucepan of steaming hot water and melt gently, stirring frequently. Remove the bowl from the saucepan and leave to cool until needed.
When Pigs Fly: Marijuana Bacon Recipe by Aunty Watermelon
The closest we’ll ever get to pigs flying.
Granny’s Little Helper: Medibles Take Stigma From Medical Cannabis
Grandma may not smoke a joint to relieve chronic arthritis pain, but she sure does enjoy her pumpkin pie pastry pop that not only tastes great but also provides her with hours of daily, pain-free relief for her hands and fingers. On other days she eats her bacon and cheddar cheese pastry pop.
Puffless Cannabis Cola
You’ll puff less when drinking Puffless Cola, a marijuana-infused soda from Puffless Productions. Their motto, “comfort should not come at the expense of your lungs,” is hard to argue with.
Cannabis Chocolate Recipe
A simple recipe for making cannabis-infused chocolate.